John Keats

John Keats is a professional content author, specialising in writing blogs and articles covering a range of topics related to the finance and loan industry of the UK. He has been working in the UK finance marketplace since 2009. John has written hundreds of blogs and articles on diverse financial topics. John has experience in several finance areas but mainly belongs to the lending market. He has worked with many reputed financial companies and lending firms. Currently, he is the Senior Content Writer at GetLoansNow, a new-age direct loan provider offering various kinds of online loans. John also contributes to the company by preparing borrower-friendly loan deals and guiding them via his research-based blogs. John Keats has a PhD in Business and Finance from the prominent UK University and a post-graduate MBA in Finance.

How Do Unsecured Loans Maintain Difference from Secured Loans?

Living a secure financial life or not largely depends upon how you are managing your finances. If you are earning a good amount, manipulating regular and extra expenses should not be challenging for you. Still, the problem exists when your monthly earnings are not sufficient, and a continuous financial disturbance dismantles all your plans. You …

Tips For Cost-Cutting Without Hampering the Quality of Business

Whenever a business owner like you contemplates reducing the outlays in business, you do not want to compromise the quality of business. Maybe, you have some priority outgoings to take care of and downsizing the overall expenses is the only way to do so. It is a challenging task to reduce the cost without hampering …

Why Should You Prefer Non-Guarantor Loans?

Do you know about non-guarantor loans secured from lenders directly? Loans from direct lenders that don’t need a guarantor or collateral are called non-guarantor loans. This means your request is judged only on your own ability to repay. You don’t need to use someone else’s financial record or assets. Unlike other loans, these no guarantor …

Christmas loans Vs Payday loans: Which one is better?

With the advent of the festive season, you not only have to prepare for the celebrations but also for your finances. It is because you will have to deal with different types of outgoings. At times, you will feel exhausted financially with no sufficient funds on hand to cover a requirement. Those are the times …

A Guide to Unsecured Loans: For Individuals with Low Credit Scores and No Guarantors

Do you want to achieve your dreams without staking your precious assets? Do you resist tapping loans because of a low credit history? Unsecured loans may help. Sometimes, savings get short of the money one requires. Here, one seeks extra cash flexibility that could help him hit short- and medium-term life goals without delay.  Thus, …

The Surprising Link between Credit Card Punctuality and Personal Loan Approval             

A credit card is a vital record of one’s financial life. You may want to make a change in your financial life or take a new step towards something more improving; you will need a credit score. Almost like your physical health, the credit score changes all the time with micro changes. You will need …

Advantages And Disadvantages of Online Personal Loan Lenders

Personal loans are not a novice loans. In times gone by, getting a personal loan was not so smooth. Lenders took a lot of days to process the application. Now, the scenario has changed. Online lending has become very popular. Not just direct lenders but banks and mainstream financial institutions also offer personal loans using …

Funding Home Improvements in the UK with GetloansNow

Home improvement work oftentimes remains unattended because of various problems. In most cases, you fail to arrange cash to go ahead with this long pending task. Completing it should not be difficult if you save money for it religiously from time to time. This strategy does not work if you have an urgent home renovation …

Make Your Christmas Celebrations a Grand One This Year

Christmas is knocking on our doors. Isn’t it exciting? While it’s a festival celebrated worldwide, each of us adds a personal touch to the celebrations. Think of the twinkle of fairy lights, the scent of pine, and the warmth of cinnamon-laced treats. This year, I have some fresh and fabulous ideas to make your Christmas …